Western Mass Jung Center Lecture Series 2012-2013.
Erica Lorentz: “Active imagination: Accessing our Creative Imagination.” Jung’s preferred method of working was active imaginal– a conscious dialogue with the unconscious. The Sufis call the imaginable realm intersecting us with the divine the Mundus Imaginalis. It is in this creative space that we find healing, inspiration, and a relationship to the source. This lecture will include discussion, case material, film clips, and a little of our own creativity. Erica Lorentz, MEd, LPC, Jungian Analyst has a private practice in Northampton and Brattleboro, Vermont. She is on the training board of the Jung Institute of Boston where she is a training analyst and is president of the Western Mass Jung Center. Formerly an adjunct faculty member at Antioch New England, she has also taught throughout the U.S. and Canada. Presented by the Western Mass Jung Center www.westmassjung.org.